Rambo Knives for sale are officially licensed movie replicas. These premium edition knives are exact replicas of those carried by Sylvester Stallone in the popular Rambo movies. They are available in both standard and signature editions. Knives are available from the movies First Blood, First Blood Part II, Rambo III, Rambo and the new editions from the latest movie, Rambo Last Blood. Buy the entire Rambo Movie Knife Collection on sale now while supplies.
Official Hibben Knives:
Hibben IV Machete
Includes Premium Leather Sheath
Official Gil Hibben IV Machete is 16.5 inches overall. This machete was designed for Sylvester Stallone's Rambo character to use in the hit motion picture Rambo and was also featured on the cover of Blade magazine. Blade is crafted from one solid piece of heat forged 1090 carbon steel and honed to a sharpened edge. The blade has a unique weathered finish, and the handle features black cord wrappings for the secure, comfortable grip you need in a machete of this caliber. It includes a genuine leather lanyard and heavy duty sheath for easy transport. Includes certificate of authenticity.
Please note: This item cannot be shipped to residents of NY.