Viking Swords for sale include a wide selection of styles made by popular manufacturers. Many of these Viking Swords are inspired by real swords that were wielded in medieval Europe. Blade options available include functional, display and blunt reenactment. Buy all types of Viking Swords, axes and more.
Viking Swords:
Leuterit Viking Swords
Functional Blade
Custom Scabbard
Leuterit Viking Swords for sale are 38 ¼ inches in all and weigh 2 ½ pounds. These swords are inspired by a real historical 8th Century Viking sword that is housed at the British Museum. This modern version features a functional 31 inch 1065 high carbon steel blade that is 3/16th of an inch thick. The wooden handle features polished steel pins. The polished steel guard and polished steel pommel are intricately detailed. The wooden scabbard is wrapped in real leather and features leather braided accents. Buy the popular Leuterit Viking Swords for $259.99.